


We have to be able to evaluate and analyse a family in the same realistic way we do in the case of a team or an organisational unit in sports or in business life. Naturally, for families, the emotional ties also have to be taken into account, always keeping in mind that the connections are much more intensive and their effects on decisions and behaviour are extremely direct. If we would like to achieve a happy and balanced family life, we have to hold a mirror to all family members and we have to be able to handle the results. We have to accept the fact that family members are all different, which can save us a lot of disappointment. The key to long-term success, whether we are talking about business, sports, or private life, is not to be on good terms with everyone but to precisely know every member and clearly understand what we can expect from them. We have to acknowledge all this too. We have to accept that we cannot change certain things and after a certain age, we should not intervene in the private life of any family member just because we believe that they should behave differently. It can be clearly stated that all truly happy people, people who don’t just think they are happy but those who experience true happiness every day, have bested this family challenge. Were big, shocking news discovered? Not really since an intelligent person is able to describe the personality traits of each of their family members relatively accurately if they think about them. Was it shocking to see this information about the family in a single place? Of course it was shocking! It is shocking to see for example that a mother a selfish type because based on her personality traits, she can be placed in the ‘individual’ category. She had always been that way. It is shocking to discover that she only calls when she needs something. Does she love you? She adores you! Is she a bad person? No. Can she damage the confidence and future relationships of her children by doing so? Absolutely! And this was only one of the most painful truths we discovered. On the other hand, if such a mother is forced to face this fact, then as an adult, she can be an incredible driver of positive changes in the lives of her children, since she is creative, has a good problem-solving capacity, and I don’t need to list all the positives, I’m sure everyone understands what I mean. We have to learn to evaluate the family objectively as well so that we can love every member subjectively. However, the traditional theories with their limited mindsets offer the worst possible solution for this. Let’s give it a chance so that we can love our family for itself and not just keep in contact with them because society expects us to do so. As we pointed it out at the beginning of the article and I would like to reiterate here too: there are no bad or good personalities. There are only clever, and let’s be a bit sophisticated here, not-so-clever people, who do not pay attention to the differences between personalities.

It is the aim of family analysis to honestly assess all members of the family then look at these individuals as a team and thus determine the relationships, conflicts, challenges, and opportunities within the family. Family analysis provides a clear image of the relationship between family members, as well as the decision-making mechanism of the family, and provides specific answers to the questions and issues currently on the mind of its members.
